
Jamaâ El Fna Museum of Intangible Heritage

Located on the historic Jamaa El Fna square in Marrakesh, the Jamaa El Fna Museum of Intangible Heritage has a rich story. Originally constructed in 1922 as the first branch of the State Bank of Morocco by architects Auguste Cadet and Edmond Brion, the museum’s building seamlessly goes along with the square’s architecture. As part of the restoration and revitalization efforts by the National Foundation of Museums, it has now been transformed into the first museum in Morocco dedicated to preserving the intangible heritage of the square.

The museum’s primary objective is perserve the square’s history within the city showcasing the arts of the halqa (traditional storytelling) and raising awareness about its significance.

Recognized by UNESCO in 2008 as intangible cultural heritage of humanity, the Jamaa El Fna square epitomizes Morocco’s diverse identity, serving as a hub for cultural traditions and the performance arts since the 11th century.

As visitors step into the museum, they are navigated through the history of Marrakesh and the Jamaa El Fna square, exploring details of the halqa and the arts of its performers. The museum’s design blends with its historical surroundings, featuring a numismatic section honoring the legacy of Bank Al Maghrib, alongside spaces dedicated to various art forms including painting, theater, cinema, and photography. Notable highlights include works by artists like Jacques Majorelle.

The museum’s operating hours are from Monday to Sunday, 10 am to 8 pm, and is closed on Tuesdays. Admission tickets are priced at 40 dirhams per person.