
Dar Cherifa… A Restaurant With A Flavor Of Authenticity And Diversity.

In the heart of the antique souks of Marrakesh, you will see a house unlike any other. A true gem, its origins date back to the historians of the Saadian era and are known only to the few curious visitors who thirst for all that is rare and exciting. It is Dar Cherifa, a historical house that, after its restoration and rehabilitation, has been transformed into a Marrakesh Riad and restaurant that attracts beauty lovers of all tastes and horizons.

Within the lively alleys of Marrakesh’s old medina, the house of Dar Cherifa stands open to those wishing for an idyllic session, furnished with delicious dishes from ancient Moroccan cuisine. Through its delicate decoration made of gypsum, wood, and other natural materials, the décor of the restaurant reflects the originality of Moroccan architecture, and the skill of traditional Moroccan craftsmen, and reminds us in one way or another of the ancient Ben Youssef Madrasa, which is one of the richest and finest red landmarks of Marrakesh.

Because it is a unique engineering and human treasure that should never be neglected, the Marrakesh Riad company, in 2000, revived Dar Cherifa, with a great contribution from Moroccan craftsmen, who have a long history in the field of design and authentic restoration. Among the many advantages of Dar Cherifa is that it is a multi-faceted space, as it is a historical riad that attracts dreamers from all over the world, a hall for exhibitions, parties, and demonstrations, and a restaurant that serves the most delicious dishes and meals.

In the authentic and ancient Dar Cherifa, lovers of rich varied cooking can savor delicious cuisine that derives its origins from the Berber, Jewish, and Arab Andalusian cultures, all of which constitute a rich and diverse Moroccan heritage. Among the merits and beauties of Dar Cherifa is that its nighttime silence while you are within its walls, and its dim lights while you are under its ceilings, make you delude you that you are far from the souks and hustle of the old city of Marrakesh, while you are, in fact, in its heart.