
Maroc Mama: Amanda’s Marrakesh-based Travel Blog

Maroc Mama started writing and blogging when she first became a mother. Her motivation at the time was to share the challenges and triumphs of parenting with people of all cultures and genders.

From living in a small rural community on Michigan’s Upper Peninsula, Amanda decided to move to explore the world when she was only 16 years old. After her first international trip to Greece, Amanda traveled to Morocco, and she met in Marrakesh, Youssef, who married him when she was twenty years old, later giving him the nickname “Maroc Baba”.

After their marriage, the two lived in the USA for about 10 years. Despite this, they did not stop loving and longing for Morocco, which prompted them to pack their bags and move to Marrakesh with their three children.

Thanks to her involvement in travel and tasting, Maroc Mama has won recognition from multiple international bodies. Maroc Mama was also ranked as the fifth-best travel blog in Africa by the famous site, appeared in the list of the 15 best global actors in the field of travel in Black Tomato magazine, and hosted it at the New York Times 2017 Travel Show.

Moroccan Digest asked Maroc Mama about how she managed her day, especially as she is a Moroccan mother of three children, wife to “Maroc Baba”, a businesswoman, and an Internet influencer.

Describing herself once as being stuck in a very small rural community on Michigan’s Upper Peninsula, we asked Maroc Mama about when she realized Morocco was her home, and she replied that it was when she was leaving Morocco on a trip she doesn’t remember exactly. To Marrakesh from the plane window, it really felt as if she was leaving her home country.

Returning to her passion for cooking and tasting, we asked “Maroc Mama” to tell us about her favorite Moroccan dish, and she answered without hesitation “Rafisa or trad. I think a lot of Americans like this dish because of a flavor similar to the Turkey that is prepared at Thanksgiving. I’ve loved it since I first ate it about 20 years ago.”

And about her favorite restaurant in Morocco, Maroc Mama explained that the answer is difficult because it is like choosing her favorite child, and because it depends on the type of food she likes. However, she noted that some of her best meals were in people’s or grandmother’s homes, adding that she generally likes Mouton Noir and Mandala in Marrakech, Ya Mal Lesham in Rabat, NKOA in Casablanca, Osky in Tangier, and Umia in Essaouira And in the turnip mir there is a man named “Moussa” who makes the best coffee in Morocco!

And because she made so many dishes, they asked her what dish she thought she hadn’t mastered yet, and her answer was that there are a lot of Moroccan-Jewish recipes that she would like to learn but it’s hard to communicate with people who can make it happen! Maroc Mama also expressed her hope to learn more homemade Amazigh dishes, and that she is always looking for these opportunities and delving into them more.

In the midst of talking about cooking, we asked Maroc Mama to tell us about the worst dish she’s ever tasted, and she replied that it was couscous with sheep’s stomach.

Far from cooking, and in relation to her activities on Saturdays and Sundays, Maroc Mama explained to the Moroccan Digest that she tries to get away from the work environment during the weekends and do at least one activity with her children and that sometimes she is satisfied with going to a bakery, visiting the Atlas Mountains, or checking out an activity that happens in the city.

Regarding her upcoming projects, Maroc Mama indicated that she is eagerly awaiting the reopening of the borders and the return of tourism activity and that she has a lot of ideas that she has worked on over the past two years mainly related to organizing tours for Marrakech guests and having them try some unique and wonderful things – with a focus on food!

Finally, we asked her about the three things that do not leave Maroc Mama, and her answer was: a good book, a phone with the Internet, and Coca-Cola Zero.